1. Packs
  2. SAMS70_DFP

Change Log

Version 4.10.214: May 23, 2023

Get Pack
        - Updated MPLAB XC32 content to correctly describe #pragma config. Requires MPLAB XC32 >= 4.10.
        - AFEC temperature sensor configuration.
        - Updated debug and programming scripts.

Version 4.9.103: May 18, 2022

Get Pack
Removed SDRAM references due to errata 2.14

Version 4.8.100: April 5, 2022

Get Pack
Added configuration data required for XC32.

Version 4.7.98: March 17, 2022

Get Pack
        - Headers minor version increased to v2.1.0.
        - Changed integer constant literal macros from _Ux_ to _UNITxx_ (where xx is 32, 16 or 8) (MISRA C2012:R12.2).

Version 4.6.82: June 30, 2021

Get Pack
Deprecated revision A devices. Fixed MPLABX debug scripts. Updated startup code. Updated header files. Updated XC32 content.

Version 4.5.74: Jan. 27, 2021

Get Pack
Added security bit programming for MPLAB X. Added instance headers. Fix DMA trigger information for DACn.

Version 4.4.69: Sept. 24, 2020

Get Pack
Added read device ID. Fix reading/writing configbits.

Version 4.3.58: April 29, 2020

Get Pack
Updated MPLAB X debug scripts. Added CCW and CCF interrupts to A devices. Setup prerequisite for MPLAB v5.40 or newer

Version 4.2.54: Feb. 12, 2020

Get Pack
Updated XC32 content. Updated MPLAB X debug scripts.

Version 4.1.43: Oct. 7, 2019

Get Pack
Improvements to the flash programming algorithm. Rename SVCall_Handler to SVC_Handler. Update modes for USART.

Version 4.0.34: June 26, 2019

Get Pack
Improvements to the flash programming algorithm: Improve programming speed. Resolve a possible flash programming issue.

Version 4.0.21: May 4, 2019

Get Pack
Removed legacy headers.

Version 3.0.5: Feb. 8, 2019

Get Pack
Corrections to XML and header-files. Core modules descriptions in ATDF and SVD changed for rev. B devices. Core IRQ and interrupt handler names changed to alligne with CMSIS names. Old names mapped as aliases to new names. Several errors in SVD files corrected. Missing TC1 and TC2 to instance definitions added to header files.  TC, USART and USBHS module changed (for revB devices) to reflect the modes according to the datasheet. Added ARMCC support files. Added Keil support files. Succeeds Atmel.SAMS70_DFP 2.3.88.