Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis example demos the AOI uses two IO, the AOI_OUT = (IO0 & IO1).
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe CDOG Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to show funcionality of Code Watchdog Timer.
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µVision AC6The CDOG Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to show funcionality of Code Watchdog Timer.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARCMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARCMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARCMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARCMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe cmsis_lpspi_edma_b2b_transfer example shows how to use LPSPI CMSIS driver in edma way:In this example , we need two boards, one board used as LPSPI master and another board used as LPSPI slave.The file...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe cmsis_lpspi_edma_b2b_transfer example shows how to use LPSPI CMSIS driver in edma way:In this example , we need two boards, one board used as LPSPI master and another board used as LPSPI slave.The file...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe cmsis_lpspi_int_b2b_transfer example shows how to use LPSPI CMSIS driver in interrupt way:In this example , we need two boards, one board used as LPSPI master and another board used as LPSPI slave.The file...See more details in readme document.
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