1. Packs
  2. CMSIS-Compiler

Change Log

Version 2.1.0: May 16, 2024

Get Pack
      - AC6: correct _sys_open handling for OPEN_A, file is created if non-existent (#50)
      - GCC: add missing forward declarations for retargeted functions (#51, #53)
      - Add Cortex-M52 support
      - GCC: Disable heap limit check in _sbrk_r implementation (#54)

Version 2.0.0: Dec. 18, 2023

Get Pack
      - Added initial support for LLVM/Clang and IAR Compiler
      - Introduce STDERR, STDIN, STDOUT APIs and components
        Attention: This change conflicts with user implementations version 1.0.0!
      - Rename RTE component defines from RTE_Compiler_* to RTE_CMSIS_Compiler_*
      - OS Interface, Arm Compiler: Remove C library thread space implementation

Version 1.0.0: May 23, 2023

Get Pack
      Initial release replacing I/O Retarget from Keil.ARM-Compiler pack.