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  1. Packs
  2. CM0_DFP

Change Log

Version 4.4.1: June 18, 2024

Get Pack
      -Add Sample_WWDT_WakeUp_Init sample code (WWDT wake up from SLEEP mode).
      -Add Sample_IWDT_WakeUp_Init sample code (IWDT wake up from SLEEP mode).

Version 4.4.0: May 14, 2024

Get Pack
      -Separate MG32F02A128/A064/U128/U064 and MG32F02V032 MCUs into this PDSC.

Version 4.3.1: March 20, 2024

Get Pack
      -Modify USB_EasyCOM with EasyHID_Project / USB_Keyboard_with_EasyCOM_EasyHID_Project / USB_Mouse with EasyHID_Project.
      -Add BSP_I2C_SHT31.c code of Buard Support (humidity and temperature).
      -Add Sample_CSC_Init sample code.

Version 4.3.0: Dec. 6, 2023

Get Pack
      -Modify Megawin Cortex-M0 device selection.
      -Fix MG32x02z_TM_Init.h.

Version 4.2.0: Aug. 4, 2023

Get Pack
      -Add SPI ePaper 2.13inch sample project.
      -Fix MG32x02z_TM_Init.c/.h's 'Cycle by cyle mode' option item.
      -Add 'Keep capture data' option for 'MG32x02z_TM_Init.c/.h'.
      -Modify MG32x02z_SPI_MID.c/.h
        -Modify 'MID_SPI_Transmit' timeout issue.
        -Modify 'MID_SPI_TransmitReceive' timeout issue.
        -Modify 'SPI_EndRxTxTransaction' for the function read address alignment issue.
        -Modify 'SPI_EndRxTransaction' for the function read address alignment issue.
        -Modify 'MID_SPI_Init' parameter issue. 
        -Modify timeout define.
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_SPI_MID.h' parameter issue. 
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_SPI_Init.c' 
        -Initial parameter structure. 
        -Rename mUSPIx define.
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_CSC_Init.c'.
        -Code size + CSC version issue.
        -USB_DIV issue.
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_URT_Init.c/.h' file.
        -Support middleware IRQ.
        -Some callback function.
        -Code issue.

Version 4.1.1: June 12, 2023

Get Pack
      -Modify 'USB_Keyboard with EasyPOD Mini Project', 'USB_Keyboard_with_EasyCOM_EasyHID_Project' example projects (Support MBIA054 LED).
      -Modify 'SPI_LED_Driver_Project' example project (Support MBIA054 LED).
      -Replace 'SPI LCD Show Character' by 'SPI LCD Show Character and Graphy' (Add graphy function).
      -Modify 'MG32x02Z_SPI_MID.c' (transmit and receive function).
        -Update 1.0.2 to 1.0.3.
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_CSC_MID.c' (declare CONF_CSC_EXTCK define).
        -Update 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
      -Modify system_MG32x02z.c/.h file ("#define" item)
        -(.c)Update 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
        -(.h)Update 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
      -Modify 'MG32x02z_I2C_Init.c', 'MG32x02z_I2C_MID.c' file (Calculation formula)
        -(MG32x02z_I2C_Init.c)Update 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.
        -(MG32x02z_I2C_MID.c)Update 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
      -Modify 'Sample_I2C_ByteMode_Simple.c' (I2C_BusStart, I2C_Master_BusStop, I2C_Transmiter, I2C_Receive function)

Version 4.1.0: May 29, 2023

Get Pack
      -Add 'MG32F02A132_PWM_AudioOut' project. (PWM output with Driver/Middleware) 
      -Add 'MG32F02A032_PWM_AudioOut' project. (PWM output with Driver/Middleware) 
      -Add 'MG32F02A128_PWM_AudioOut' project. (PWM output with Driver/Middleware) 
      -Add 'MG32F02U128_PWM_AudioOut' project. (PWM output with Driver/Middleware) 
      -Add 'MG32F02V032_PWM_AudioOut' project. (PWM output with Driver/Middleware)
      -Add Sample Code:
        1. Sample_MID_SPI_TemperatureDetector (RTD sample code for middleware)
        2. Sample_SPI_TemperatureDetector (RTD sample code for driver)
        3. Sample_SPI_Master_OPI_PSRAM (OPI PSRAM access.)
      -Update project : TH222A_Test_Project, USB_Keyboard_Project
      -Update initial wizard : TM / WWDT / IWDT / RTC / MEM / GPL / I2C / EMB_Init.c
      -Modify MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c (RTC / WWDR with "__weak")
      -Update middleware peripheral : IWDT

Version 4.0.1: May 14, 2024

Get Pack
      -Remain MG32F02A128/A064/U128/U064 and MG32F02V032 MCU for MG32CoGen

Version 4.0.0: April 20, 2023

Get Pack
      Only for MG32CoGen v2.0.0.20

Version 3.7.0: March 29, 2023

Get Pack
      -Update 'MG32x02z_ChipInit.c' and 'MG32x02z_ChipInit.h' file. 
        -Modify CSC_Init function. 
        -Modify 'MG32x02z_URT_Init.c/.h' file. (Apply MG32CoGen.exe)(Version:1.0.1->1.0.2) 
        -Add 'MG32x02z_WWDT_Init.c/.h' initial file. (Version:1.0.0) 
        -Add 'MG32x02z_IWDT_Init.c/.h' initial file. (Version:1.0.0) 
        -Fix BKIE bit in 'MG32x02z_TM_Init.h'. (And update version)
        -Modify APB/TM/DAC/ADC/CMP/CCL/URT Initial with Middleware IRQ support.
      -Add 'BLE_HC42_Project' project. (BLE use HC-42) 
      -Add 'USB_Keyboard_with_EasyCOM_EasyHID_Project' project.     
      -Add 'Sample_CMP_WakeupFromSLEEPMode','Sample_CMP_WakeupFromSTOPMode','Sample_MID_CMP_WakeupFromSLEEPMode' and 'Sample_MID_CMP_WakeupFromSTOPMode' sample code. 
      -Add 'Sample_CSC_PLL_Init.c' sample code. 
      -Add 'Sample_PW_BODx.c' sample code. (BODx sample code interrupt, ON/SLEEP mode) 
      -Add 'Sample_RST_TriggerReset.c' sample code - to triggert cold reset or warm reset. 
      -Add 'Sample_RST_DetectResetEvent.c' sample code - to check reset flags. 
      -Update DAC Middleware version. 
      -Rename fila name :'Sample_WakeupFromSLEEPMode' to  'Sample_RTC_WakeupFromSLEEPMode' 
      -Rename fila name :'Sample_WakeupFromSTOPMode' to  'Sample_RTC_WakeupFromSTOPMode'

Version 3.6.0: Feb. 23, 2023

Get Pack
      -Update 'MG32x02z_CSC_DRV.c' file. 
        -Modify CSC_XOSC_Cmd, CSC_PLL_Config function.
        -New CSC_EXTCK_Cmd function.
      -Update 'Sample_Enter_STOP_SLEEP_Mode.c','Sample_WakeupFromSLEEPMode.c', 'Sample_WakeupFromSTOPMode.c' file.
      -Add 'Sample_CSC_XOSC_Init' sample code. (select to CK_XOSC sample code)
      -Add 'Sample_CSC_EXTCK_Init' sample code. (select to CK_EXT sample code)
      -Add 'BLE_HC06_Project' project. (BLE use HC-06)
      -Rename 'BLE_Project' to 'BLE_MG126_Project'.

Version 3.5.0: Jan. 9, 2023

Get Pack
      -Update all MCU MG32x02z.h. (NULL_0 definition)
      -Update Middleware code for GCC.
      -Update Sample_Retraget.c for GCC. (smaller printf funnction)
      -Update 'MG32F02A032 BLDC_Sinewave', 'MG32F02A032 BLDC_Square', 'SmartCard_Reader_Project', 'RTC_ShowCalendar' project.       
      -Update 'USB_EasyCOM Project', 'MG04_06x', 'IEC60730_Project' project.
      -Update 'URT_Config' function.
      -Update 'system_MG32x02z.c' function. (Move the DIV function here)
      -Update 'MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c' file. (Modify CSC_IRQ, IWDT_IRQ function)
      -Add 'MG32x02z_I2C_Init.c/h' wizard file.
      -Add 'USB_EasyCOM with EasyHID', 'USB Mouse with EasyHID', 'SPI LCD Show Character', 'SPI_LED_Driver_Project' project.
      -Add 'Sample_IWDT_GeneralTimer', 'Sample_WWDT_GeneralTimer', 'Sample_RTC_GeneralTimer.c' code.
      -Add 'Sample_SPI_Master_DPI_DMA_M2P.c' and 'Sample_SPI_Master_DPI_DMA_P2M.c' sample code.
      -Add 'Sample_SPI_Master_QPI_DMA_M2P.c' and 'Sample_SPI_Master_QPI_DMA_P2M.c' sample code.
      -Add 'Sample_SPI_Master_OPI_DMA_M2P.c' and 'Sample_SPI_Master_OPI_DMA_P2M.c' sample code.
      -Modify 'Sample_SPI_Master_StandardSPI_DMA_M2P.c' and 'Sample_SPI_Master_StandardSPI_DMA_P2M.c' file.

Version 3.4.0: Nov. 28, 2022

Get Pack
      -Update MG32x02z_TM/ADC/CMP/DAC_Init.c/h. 
      -Fixed SPI initial code in ChipInit.c.
      -Update Sample_Retraget.c for GCC. (printf funnction)
      -Add 'RTC_ShowCalendar', 'SmartCard_Reader_Project' project.
            -Update CSC_Init.c file.

Version 3.3.0: Oct. 11, 2022

Get Pack
      -Modify MG32x02z_CSC_Init.c/h file.
        -Update all driver and middleware files.
      -Add SPI group into ChipInit enviroment.
      -IRQ_Handler adds PendSV and SVC options.
      -Move MG32x02z__IRQHandler from ChipInit_Wizard to IRQ_Handler group.
      -Unconditionally enable IEA for SYS in MG32x02z_ChipInit.c .
      -Reduced sub-item for SYS, TM0x, URT123 and URT4x NVIC.
      -MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c includes driver-level IRQ routines for all peripherals.
      -Delete IRQ sample codes.
      -Delete MA862 MCU selection.
      -Updtae file name of URTx in sample code.
      -Update MG32x02z_GPIO_xxx_Init.h and MG32x02z_EXIC_xxx_Init.h file.
      -Update interrupt exception No. in 'IRQ_Handler' component.
      -Add MG32x02z_Ex.h for MCU definition.

Version 3.2.2: July 5, 2022

Get Pack
      -Middleware (Sample code) for Compiler V6
      -Modify TM00_IRQ sample code.
      -Modify I2Cx condition.
      -Modify EMB_IRQ, IWDT_IRQ, URT123_IRQ description.
      -Replace TH222x BSP code.
      -Modify IRQ_Handler description.

Version 3.2.1: May 30, 2022

Get Pack
      -Add some BSP routines of TH222x.
        - ARGB, DIP Switch, LEDx8, Step Motor, Variable Resistor, Rotary Encoder, RC Servo Motor, SPI Flash,
        - 4x4 Keyboard, 16x2 LCM, BLE
      -Add 'SPI Flash' project for MG32F02A032. MG32F02A128/U128 and MG32F02V032
      -Modify some example projects for Compiler V6.
      -Add 'Sample_I2C_withDMA.c' sample code.
      -Add 'Sample_I2C_ByteMode_Simple.c' sample code.
      -Modify MG32x02z_CSC_Init.c/h and MG32x02z_ChipInit.c file.
        -MG32x02z_CSC_Init.c (version="1.0.7" -> "1.0.8")
          -MG32x02z_CSC_Init.h (version="1.0.5" -> "1.0.5")
        -MG32x02z_ChipInit.c (version="1.0.6~7" -> "1.0.8")

Version 3.2.0: April 29, 2022

Get Pack
      -Add Board Support for TH222x and TH197x.
      -Add BLE support of Board Support. (for TH197x/TH217x/TH218x)
      -Arrange 'BSP' item for all board.
      -Add "USB_Mouse Project" project.
      -Rename folder name in BSP. (e.g. TH222A->TH222x)

Version 3.1.1: March 17, 2022

Get Pack
      - Delete SDT function/enum/control.

Version 3.1.0: March 7, 2022

Get Pack
      - Rename Device group name to 'MG32F0x series'.
      - Add Board Support option.
      - Modify 'USB keyboard project' board is MG04-05x.
      - Add MG32F02V032 example and Board.
      - Modify 'MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c' file for CodeGen.
      - Merge Board name for example selection.
      - Rename MG32x02z_GPIO_[Package]_Init.h.

Version 3.0.0: Jan. 4, 2022

Get Pack
      - Add MG32F02V032 MCU.
      - Modify MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c - interrupt compiler option.
      - Add SysTick priority configuration.
      - Add Sample_ASB_Transmit, Sample_URT0_SPISlaveMode_TxRx sample code.
      - Add Sample_WakeupFromSTOPMode, Sample_WakeupFromSLEEPMode and Sample_Enter_STOP_SLEEP_Mode sample code.

Version 2.1.1: Nov. 2, 2021

Get Pack
      - Modify MG32x02z__IRQHandler.c - interrupt compiler option.
      - Modify MG32x02z_CSC_Init.c - function error.
      - Decrease MG32F02A128,A062 USB IRQ.

Version 2.1.0: Oct. 28, 2021

Get Pack
      - Modify PDSC - check by xmllint 
        -- Modify MG32x02z_GPIO_Init.h version from "LQFPxx", version="TSSOP20", version="QFN32" to version="1.0.0".
        -- Add IRQ priority config.
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_Device" to "Device". (Version="1.0.3" to Version="1.0.4")
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_ChipInit_Wizard" to "ChipInit_Wizard".
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_IEC60730_Support" to "IEC60730_Support".
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_IRQ_Handler" to "IRQ_Handler".
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_Driver" to "Driver".
        -- Modify "MG32x02z_Middleware" to "Middleware".
        -- Add "system_MG32x02z.h" in /INCLUDE path.
        -- Modify device, bundle, example.
        -- Add "require Cclass="CMSIS" Cgroup="CORE"".
        -- Hidden all "bundle". (less "Board Support" in "Manage Run-Time Enviroment")
        -- Remove Systick IRQ configuration.
        -- Remove "Sample_MISC_SysTickPrintfInitial.c" file.
        -- Remove "Sample_SysTick_Init.c" in Device components.
        -- Remove "Sample_Retarget.c" in Device components. (move to Driver componsents)
        -- Remove uCOS-II project.
      - Middlware-All with "ChipInit_Wizard's CSC' condition. (in Manage Run-Time Environment of keil)
      - "ChipInit_Wizard's ADC" with "Driver's Driver-All' condition.(in Manage Run-Time Environment of keil)
      - "ChipInit_Wizard's IRQHandler" with "Driver's Driver-All' or 'Middleware's Middleware-All' condition.(in Manage Run-Time Environment of keil)
      - Rename "Sample_MID_SYS.c" to "Sample_MID_SYS_GetChipID.c"
      - Add IEC60730_Project for MG32F02A128/U128.
      - Mofigy IEC60730_Project for MG32F02A132/072/MA862/032.