1. Packs
  2. BAT32G139

Change Log

Version 1.0.1

Get Pack
      Add enable and disable primask instruction in EraseChip(), EraseSector() and ProgramPage() in "flash.c".
      Fix the protect instruction in EraseChip(), EraseSector() and ProgramPage() in "flash.c".

Version 1.0.0

Get Pack
      Fix the voilate pointer properties in the headfile.

Version 0.13.0

Get Pack
      Fix the voilate pointer properties in the headfile.

Version 0.12.0

Get Pack
      Modify some marco defines.

Version 0.11.0

Get Pack
      Modify the menu level of CAN messages in System Viewer to easy use.

Version 0.10.0

Get Pack
      Modify the CAN example project.

Version 0.9.0

Get Pack
      Modify the configuration wizard for LVD initialization in "system_BAT32G139.c".

Version 0.0.8

Get Pack
      Modify the INTC instructions in the system_BAT32G139.h.

Version 0.0.7

Get Pack
      Fix some files error.

Version 0.0.6

Get Pack
      Modify the project folder structure.

Version 0.0.5

Get Pack
      Modify the entry of the interrupt server handlers.

Version 0.0.4

Get Pack
      Fix CAN0/1 drivers. Modify DMA enable/disable method.

Version 0.0.3

Get Pack
      Fix Timer8 drivers

Version 0.0.2

Get Pack
      Fix SCI drivers

Version 0.0.1

Get Pack
      First Version Issued