1. Packs
  2. BAT32A233

Change Log

Version 0.13.0

Get Pack
      Update the driver files of the LIN function.

Version 0.12.0

Get Pack
      Fix the cmp start function in "cmp.c".

Version 0.11.0

Get Pack
      Modify the register name from VBG85 to VBG125 in svd file and headerfile.

Version 0.10.0

Get Pack
      Modify the flash algorithm of "BAT32A233KC.FLM".

Version 0.9.0

Get Pack
      Add enable and disable primask instruction in EraseChip(), EraseSector() and ProgramPage() in "flash.c".
      Fix the protect instruction in EraseChip(), EraseSector() and ProgramPage() in "flash.c".

Version 0.8.0

Get Pack
      MOdify the LIN port setting in the "userdefine.h".

Version 0.7.0

Get Pack
      MOdify the SCR register in svd file and modify SCI drivers.

Version 0.6.0

Get Pack
      MOdify some demo projects.

Version 0.5.0

Get Pack
      MOdify some demo projects.

Version 0.4.0

Get Pack
      Add some demo projects.

Version 0.3.0

Get Pack
      Fix some error in the device header file.

Version 0.2.0

Get Pack
      Add demo projects.

Version 0.1.0

Get Pack
      Initial Version