1. Packs
  2. ADuCM4x50_DFP

Change Log

Version 4.0.0: Aug. 18, 2021

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      - ADC driver: Code clearing bits in STATUS register in functions DmaFIFOManage and InterruptFIFOManage improved.
      - Crypto driver: STAT register self-assignment instructions eliminated.
      - I2C driver: detection of Rx Overflow and Tx Underflow fixed.
      - I2C driver: functions adi_i2c_GetHWMaskedErrors and adi_i2c_SetHWMaskedErrors added to ignore HW errors when desired.
      - I2C driver: function adi_i2c_GetNumberOfDataProcessed.
      - RTC driver: 64-bit data handling improved in adi_rtc_GetCoherentCounterValues. (Support for anomaly 21000023 in silicon revision 0.0)
      - RTC driver: function adi_rtc_GetISOENB added to check the ISENB bit value.
      - UART driver: ping-pong and scatter-gather DMA support added. Fix for disabling autobaud in adi_uart_EnableAutobaud.

Version 3.4.0: Sept. 30, 2020

Get Pack
      - GCC startup file compatible with ARM CMSIS Pack 5.6.0
      - DMA re-enabled when waking up from hibernation in PWR
      - I2C driver: number of writable bytes in FIFO corrected in functions commenceTransmit and commenceReceive.
      - RTC driver: interrupts clearing issue fixed.
        Function adi_rtc_GetISOENB added.
      - SPI driver: risk of Tx Underflow for DMA driven transactions eliminated.
      - UART driver: IEN protected against concurrent write accesses.
      - FreeRTOS support: compiler warnings eliminated with FreeRTOS 10.3.1

Version 3.3.0: Aug. 27, 2019

Get Pack
      - FreeRTOS support: RTOS macros for critical section redefined to properly disable interrupts.
      - ADC driver: function adi_adc_EnableIRQ added to enable/disable interrupts.
      - Flash Controller: macros defining the flash memory size and the number of flash controller instances located in adi_flash.h.
      - I2C driver: Support for I2C bus clear operation added. Incomplete Rx Transmission detection added.
      - PWR driver: function adi_pwr_EnableClockSource must return an error if a call to adi_gpio_InputEnable fails.
        Function adi_pwr_ExitLowPowerMode now clear the PWRMOD register along with bits SLEEPONEXIT and SLEEPDEEP in SCR register when exiting low power modes.
      - SPI driver: DMA support simplified and improved.
        Support to enable/disable RXOVR and TXUNDR error detection in SPI interrupt handlers added. (Enable by default.)
      - UART driver: fix for ADI_UART_DIR_TRANSMIT mode.
        Macro guarded Rx Buffer fast draining extension introduced.
        Data transfer mode set to none when flushing Tx buffers.
        Macro guarded Rx Buffer extension to help users' callback functions to pad the Rx buffer when the number of bytes
        received is not a multiple of the number of bytes that triggers an interrupt.
      - system_ADuCM4050.c: support to enable bus error on CRC error by default. (Disable by default.)
        Support to enable SRAM parity by default. (Disable by default.)
      - Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) added to Release Notes.

Version 3.2.0: Aug. 3, 2018

Get Pack
      - API extension for RTC driver.
      - Bug fixes for RTC, SPI and UART drivers.

Version 3.1.2: April 11, 2018

Get Pack
      - GPIO driver API extended with adi_gpio_GroupInterruptPolarityEnable to determine if the interrupts are generated on the rising or falling edge of the corresponding GPIO pin.
      - RTC driver modified to eliminate the risks of counter overflows.
      - Software work around for anomaly 2100023, an anomaly that can impact RTC registers read accesses on ADuCM4050 si. rev.  0.0.
      - RTOS mapping extended with Micrium uC/OS-II.
      - UART driver updated for PIO Rx transfers to support all the FIFO trigger levels.

Version 3.1.0: Jan. 22, 2018

Get Pack
      - Further version synchronization across IoT CMSIS Pack products
      - Flash controller driver default settings updated.

Version 3.0.0: Oct. 31, 2017

Get Pack
      Version synchronization across IoT CMSIS Pack products

Version 1.1.0: Oct. 16, 2017

Get Pack
      New APIs and fixes to drivers
      - Crypto driver extended with HMAC in PKSTOR support
      - Support to set the priority for all IRQ interrupts to a default value
        different from 0 (1 by default) when using FreeRTOS.
        The default priority value, ADI_MAX_IRQ_PRIORITY, can be found in file
      - FLash driver API extended to support wait states configuration
      - GPIO driver API extended to read group interrupt and output information, and
        to enable/disable increased drive strength capability
      - Fix issues in PWR driver
      - RTC driver API extended with functions to get and clear interrupt status
      - SPI driver API extended with functions to set clock phase and polarity

Version 1.0.0: March 9, 2017

Get Pack
      Initial Release