1. Devices
  2. K60 Series
  3. MK60FN1M0xxx12



The Kinetis K6x MCUs are pin-peripheral and software-compatible with many of the Kinetis K series MCU families, offering IEEE® 1588 Ethernet and full and high-speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go, including options with USB crystal-less functionality.
Devices start from 256 KB of flash in 100 QFP packages extending up to 2 MB flash and 256 KB SRAM in a 256 MAPBGA package. These devices offer various levels of integration, with a rich suite of analog, communication, timing and control peripherals.
Next-generation Kinetis K6x MCUs are further optimized for performance and power consumption and offer more streamlined integration for further BOM cost reductions.




Maximum Clock Frequency 120 MHz
Memory Protection Unit NO_MPU
Floating Point Unit SP_FPU
Trust Zone
Digital Signal Processor
CortexM Vector Extensions
Endian Little-endian