1. Devices
  2. K20 Series
  3. MK20FN1M0xxx12



The Kinetis K2x MCU family is pin-peripheral and software-compatible with many of the Kinetis K series MCU families, offering full and high-speed USB 2.0 On-The-Go, in addition to other features like device charge detect capability and USB crystal-less functionality.
Devices start from 32 KB of flash in 5 x 5 mm 32-pin QFN packages extending up to 2 MB in a 144-pin MAPBGA package.
These devices offer various levels of integration, with a rich suite of analog, communication, timing and control peripherals.
Next-generation Kinetis K2x MCUs are further optimized for performance with industry-leading power consumption and offer more streamlined integration for further BOM cost reductions.




Maximum Clock Frequency 120 MHz
Memory Protection Unit NO_MPU
Floating Point Unit SP_FPU
Trust Zone
Digital Signal Processor
CortexM Vector Extensions
Endian Little-endian