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  1. Devices
  2. FT32F0 Series
  3. FT32F030
  4. FT32F030F8APx


  • Core

    Cortex-M0, 72 MHz

  • Family

    FT32F0 Series

  • Sub-Family


  • CMSIS Pack


FT32 is a 32-bit high performance, low power consumption universal microcontroller family powered by the ARM Cortex-M0 RISC core,which targeted at various MCU application areas.FT32 family integrates high speed memory and powerful enhanced I/O.

Frequency up to 96MHZ
Single-cycle hardware multiplier
NVIC with 32 interrupt vectors, 2 watchpoint and 4 priority levels
SWD debug interface, 4 hardware breakpoints
7 Timers:
- One 16-bit advanced-control timer ,
- Five 16-bit general purpose timers,
- One 16-bit basic timer

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