Arm Keil MDK v6 Essential and Professional editions are now available to buy as monthly or annual subscriptions from our Developer Tools store. Visit the store to get access to the tools suite today!

  1. Devices
  2. ARM Cortex M7
  3. ARMCM7


  • Core

    Cortex-M7, 10 MHz

  • Family

    ARM Cortex M7

  • CMSIS Pack


The Cortex-M7 processor is a high performance 32-bit processor designed for the microcontroller market.
It offers significant benefits to developers, including:
- Outstanding processing performance combined with fast interrupt handling
- Enhanced system debug with extensive breakpoint and trace capabilities
- Efficient processor core, system and memories
- Ultra-low power consumption with integrated sleep mode and an optional deep sleep mode
- Platform security robustness, with optional integrated Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

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