1. Boards
  2. NUCLEO-L053R8



STM32 Nucleo development board with STM32L053R8 MCU

  • Debug Interfaces
    ST-Link Mini-USB
  • Debug
    Integrated Debug Adaptor 1 x On-board ST-LINK/V2-1
  • Power
    Power Supply 4 V - 0 V USB VBUS, ext. VIN, ext. 5V, ext +3.3V
  • Form factor
    Custom Formfactor 2 mm x 0 mm, STMicroelectronics Morpho connector
    Arduino Formfactor 2 x STMicroelectronics Arduino connector
  • Connectors
    USB 1 x USB re-enumeration capability
  • Controls
    Push-buttons 2 Push-buttons: User and Reset
  • Display
    LEDs 3 x LEDs: COM, Power, User LEDs