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  2. LPCXpresso54018


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

Import your chosen project to Keil Studio for VS Code or Keil Studio Cloud, or download for use in Keil uVision.

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  • µVision AC6

    The CRC Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to generate checksumsfor an ASCII string. Several CRC protocols are implemented using the CRC driver API.

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  • ctimer_match_example

    µVision AC6

    The CTimer Example project is to demonstrate usage of the KSDK ctimer driver.In this example, the match feature of the CTimer is used to toggle the output level.

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  • ctimer_match_interrupt_example

    µVision AC6

    The Simple Match Interrupt project is to demonstrate usage of the SDK CTimer driver with interrupt callback functionsIn this example the upon match and IO pin connected to the LED is toggled and the timer is reset, so it would generate a square wave.With an interrupt callback the match value is changed frequently in such a way that the frequency of the output square wave is increased gradually.

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  • ctimer_pwm_example

    µVision AC6

    The CTimer Example project is to demonstrate usage of the KSDK ctimer driver.In this example, CTimer is used to generate a PWM signal.

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  • ctimer_pwm_interrupt_example

    µVision AC6

    The Simple PWM Interrupt project is to demonstrate usage of the SDK CTimer driver as a PWM with interrupt callback functionsIn this example an IO pin connected to the LED is used as a PWM output line to generate a PWM signal.With an interrupt callback the PWM duty cycle is changed frequently in such a way that the LED brightness can be varied.

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  • dma_channel_chain

    µVision AC6

    The DMA channel chain example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the DMA channel chain feature.

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  • dma_interleave_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The DMA interleave transfer example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It executes a linked transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK DMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the DMA interleave feature.

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  • µVision AC6

    The DMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It executes one shot polling transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK DMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the DMA and to provide a simple example for debugging and further development.

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  • dma_memory_to_memory

    µVision AC6

    The DMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It executes one shot transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK DMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the DMA and to provide a simple example fordebugging and further development.

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  • dma_wrap_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The DMA wrap transfer example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It executes a wrap transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK DMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the DMA wrap feature.

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