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VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

Import your chosen project to Keil Studio for VS Code or Keil Studio Cloud, or download for use in Keil uVision.

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  • µVision AC5

    The Hello World demo application provides a sanity check for the new SDK build environments and board bring up. The HelloWorld demo prints the "Hello World" string to the terminal using the SDK UART drivers. The purpose of this demo is toshow how to use the UART, and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development.

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  • hexiwear_accelerometer

    µVision AC5

    The accelerometer bubble demo demonstrates basic usage of the on-board accelerometer to implement a bubble level. This is similar to the SDK bubble example. This demo utilizes two axes to visually show deviation from a level plane (0 degrees) on a given axis.Note: you must rotate the board to get the samples to change.

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  • hexiwear_ambient_light

    µVision AC5

    The ambient light demo application demonstrates the use of the TSL2561 sensor. The ambient lightvalue can be read from this sensor.

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  • hexiwear_bluetooth_connect

    µVision AC5

    The hexiwear bluetooth connectivity demo application provides a simple demo for users to use the hexiwear to connect to the mobile phone with blue tooth.Before run the demo, please install "BLE Reader" APP on your mobile phone.This demo shows how the mobile phone transmit notification data to hexiwear and hexiwearprint the notification on debug console on it's host mcu K64.First, user should press the right button on the main board to open the blue tooth.Then, search device named "HEXIWEAR" on your phone and connect to it with the key show on the hexiwear watch screen.Open the BLE Reader on your mobile phone and choose the HEXIWEAR device on BLE Reader list.Enter Alert/command Service with write attribute:Unkown00002030-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FBEnter the Alert in with UUID 0x2031 and write a new data with 20-byte length following the message requirement. Then you will see the alert message received and print on the debug console.

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  • hexiwear_buzz_click

    µVision AC5

    The hexiwear_buzz_click demo application provides a sanity demo for users to operate the buzzer. When the buttonof click board is pressed, the buzzer will play a piece of sound and the oled will display image on the screen. The demo will prints some information to the terminal by the debug console. The purpose of this demo is to show how to receive click information by the UART and trigger the buzzer by FTM, and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development.

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  • hexiwear_gyroscope

    µVision AC5

    The gyroscope demo application demonstrates the use of the FXAS21002 sensor.

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  • hexiwear_heartrate

    µVision AC5

    The hexiwear heartrate demo application provides a sanity demo for users to use the heartrate feature. When run the demo, please put your finger on the sensor which is under the watch and press the "Start" button on the watch to starts data sampling. The heart rate sensor will calculate many sampled data and then give use those sampling data to calculate the heart rate. So the heart rate value is updated on the screen every once a while.If you want to stop the heart rate sampling, just press the "Stop" button.

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  • hexiwear_humidity

    µVision AC5

    The humidity demo application demonstrates the use of the HTU21D sensor. The hunidity data can be read from this sensor.

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  • hexiwear_irthermo_click

    µVision AC5

    The hexiwear_irthermo_click demo application provides a sanity demo for users to read tempreature from external sensor. The temperature will be printed to the debug console by UART and the oled will display the temperatureon the screen. The purpose of this demo is to show how to read temperature from external sensor and drawthe text on the oled screen, and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development.

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  • hexiwear_magnetometer

    µVision AC5

    The magnetometer demo application demonstrates the use of the FXOS8700 sensor. The tilt-compensated algorithm calculatesall three angles (pitch, roll, and yaw or compass heading).

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