1. Boards
  2. FRDM-KL46Z


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

Import your chosen project to Keil Studio for VS Code or Keil Studio Cloud, or download for use in Keil uVision.

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  • µVision AC5

    The TPM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK TPM driver to use TPM as a timer.It sets up the TPM hardware block to trigger an interrupt every 1 millisecond.When the TPM interrupt is triggered a message a printed on the UART terminal.

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  • tsi_v4_low_power_mode

    µVision AC5

    The tsi_v4_low_power example shows how to use TSI_V4 driver in low power modes:In this example , we make use of the available electrodes on board to show driver usage.1. Firstly, we get the non-touch calibration results as baseline electrode counter;2. Then, we start the Hardware-Trigger scan using interrupt method to wakeup from low power modes through pad touch;3. Note: you can select which low power mode you want to enter into.

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  • tsi_v4_normal_mode

    µVision AC5

    The tsi_v4_normal example shows how to use TSI_V4 driver in normal modes:In this example , we make use of the available electrodes on board to show driver usage.1. Firstly, we get the non-touch calibration results as baseline electrode counter;2. Then, we start the Software-Trigger scan using polling method and interrupt method;3. Then, we start the Hardware-Trigger scan using interrupt method.

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  • uart_dma_transfer

    µVision AC5

    The uart_dma example shows how to use uart driver with DMA:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • µVision AC5

    The uart_functioncal_interrupt example shows how to use uart driver functionalAPI to receive data with interrupt method:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.

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  • uart_interrupt_rb_transfer

    µVision AC5

    The uart_interrupt_ring_buffer example shows how to use uart driver in interrupt way withRX ring buffer enabled:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • uart_interrupt_transfer

    µVision AC5

    The uart_interrupt example shows how to use uart driver in interrupt way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • µVision AC5

    The uart_polling example shows how to use uart driver in polling way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board will send back all characters that PCsend to the board.

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