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  2. FRDM-K32L2A4S


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The ADC16 continuous EDMA demo application demonstrates the usage of the ADC and EDMA peripheral while in a continuous mode. TheADC16 is first set to continuous mode. In continuous convert configuration, only the initial rising-edge to launch continuous conversions isobserved, and until conversion is aborted, the ADC16 continues to do conversions on the same SCn register that initiated the conversion. EDMA request will be asserted during an ADC16 conversion complete event noted when any of the SC1n[COCO] flags is asserted. EDMA will transferADC16 results to memory and if users press any key, demo will average ADC16 results stored in memory and print average on the terminal.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The ADC16 continuous EDMA demo application demonstrates the usage of the ADC and EDMA peripheral while in a continuous mode. TheADC16 is first set to continuous mode. In continuous convert configuration, only the initial rising-edge to launch continuous conversions isobserved, and until conversion is aborted, the ADC16 continues to do conversions on the same SCn register that initiated the conversion. EDMA request will be asserted during an ADC16 conversion complete event noted when any of the SC1n[COCO] flags is asserted. EDMA will transferADC16 results to memory and if users press any key, demo will average ADC16 results stored in memory and print average on the terminal.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc16_interrupt example shows how to use interrupt with ADC16 driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the ADC16'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. ADC interrupt would be asserted once the conversion is completed. In ADC ISR, the conversion completed flag would be cleared by reading the conversion result value. Also, the conversion result value is stored, and the ISR counter is increased. These information would be printed when the execution return to the main loop.The point is that the ADC16 interrupt configuration is set when configuring the ADC16's conversion channel. When in software trigger mode, the conversion would be launched by the operation of configuring channel, just like writing aconversion command. So if user wants to generate the interrupt every time the conversion is completed, the channel's configuration with enabling interrupt setting would be used for each conversion.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc16_interrupt example shows how to use interrupt with ADC16 driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the ADC16'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. ADC interrupt would be asserted once the conversion is completed. In ADC ISR, the conversion completed flag would be cleared by reading the conversion result value. Also, the conversion result value is stored, and the ISR counter is increased. These information would be printed when the execution return to the main loop.The point is that the ADC16 interrupt configuration is set when configuring the ADC16's conversion channel. When in software trigger mode, the conversion would be launched by the operation of configuring channel, just like writing aconversion command. So if user wants to generate the interrupt every time the conversion is completed, the channel's configuration with enabling interrupt setting would be used for each conversion.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The ADC Low Power demo application demonstrates the usage of the ADC peripheral while in a low power mode. Themicrocontroller is first set to very low power stop (VLPS) mode. Every 500 ms, an interrupt wakes up the ADC module andreads the current temperature of the microcontroller. While the temperature remains within boundaries, both LEDs are on.If the core temperature is higher or lower than average, the LEDs change state respectively.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The ADC Low Power demo application demonstrates the usage of the ADC peripheral while in a low power mode. Themicrocontroller is first set to very low power stop (VLPS) mode. Every 500 ms, an interrupt wakes up the ADC module andreads the current temperature of the microcontroller. While the temperature remains within boundaries, both LEDs are on.If the core temperature is higher or lower than average, the LEDs change state respectively.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc16_polling example shows the simplest way to use ADC16 driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the ADC16'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. The execution would check the conversion completed flag in loop until the flag is asserted, which means the conversion is completed. Then read the conversion result value and print it to debug console.Note, the default setting of initialization for the ADC converter is just an available configuration. User can changethe configuration structure's setting in application to fit the special requirement.The auto-calibration is not essential but strongly recommended. It can help to adjust the converter itself and improvethe ADC16's performance.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc16_polling example shows the simplest way to use ADC16 driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the ADC16'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. The execution would check the conversion completed flag in loop until the flag is asserted, which means the conversion is completed. Then read the conversion result value and print it to debug console.Note, the default setting of initialization for the ADC converter is just an available configuration. User can changethe configuration structure's setting in application to fit the special requirement.The auto-calibration is not essential but strongly recommended. It can help to adjust the converter itself and improvethe ADC16's performance.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The bubble level demo demonstrates basic usage of the on-board accelerometer to implement a bubble level. A bubble level utilizes two axes to visually show deviation from a level plane (0 degrees) on a given axis.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The bubble level demo demonstrates basic usage of the on-board accelerometer to implement a bubble level. A bubble level utilizes two axes to visually show deviation from a level plane (0 degrees) on a given axis.

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