1. Boards
  2. EVK-MIMXRT1015


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc_interrupt example shows how to use interrupt with adc driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the adc'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. ADC interrupt would be asserted once the conversion is completed. In ADC ISR, the conversion completed flag would be cleared by reading the conversion result value. Also, the conversion result value is stored, and the ISR counter is increased. These information would be printed when the execution return to the main loop.The point is that the adc interrupt configuration is set when configuring the adc's conversion channel. When in software trigger mode, the conversion would be launched by the operation of configuring channel, just like writing aconversion command. So if user wants to generate the interrupt every time the conversion is completed, the channel's configuration with enabling interrupt setting would be used for each conversion.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc_interrupt example shows how to use interrupt with adc driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the adc'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. ADC interrupt would be asserted once the conversion is completed. In ADC ISR, the conversion completed flag would be cleared by reading the conversion result value. Also, the conversion result value is stored, and the ISR counter is increased. These information would be printed when the execution return to the main loop.The point is that the adc interrupt configuration is set when configuring the adc's conversion channel. When in software trigger mode, the conversion would be launched by the operation of configuring channel, just like writing aconversion command. So if user wants to generate the interrupt every time the conversion is completed, the channel's configuration with enabling interrupt setting would be used for each conversion.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc_polling example shows the simplest way to use adc driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the adc'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. The execution would check the conversion completed flag in loop until the flag is asserted, which means the conversion is completed. Then read the conversion result value and print it to debug console.Note, the default setting of initialization for the ADC converter is just an available configuration. User can changethe configuration structure's setting in application to fit the special requirement.The auto-calibration is not essential but strongly recommended. It can help to adjust the converter itself and improvethe adc's performance.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc_polling example shows the simplest way to use adc driver.In this example, user should indicate a channel to provide a voltage signal (can be controlled by user) as the adc'ssample input. When running the project, typing any key into debug console would trigger the conversion. The execution would check the conversion completed flag in loop until the flag is asserted, which means the conversion is completed. Then read the conversion result value and print it to debug console.Note, the default setting of initialization for the ADC converter is just an available configuration. User can changethe configuration structure's setting in application to fit the special requirement.The auto-calibration is not essential but strongly recommended. It can help to adjust the converter itself and improvethe adc's performance.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc_etc_software_trigger_conv example shows how to use the ADC_ETC to generate a ADC trigger by PIT channel0 trigger.Every 1 second, PIT channel0 would send a trigger signal to ADC_ETC, which can arbitrate and manage multiple external triggers,and ADC_ETC would generate ADC trigger.In this example, the ADC is configured with hardware trigger. Once ADC gets the trigger from the ADC_ETC, the conversion goes,then the ADC_ETC ISR would be executed.

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  • adc_etc_hardware_trigger_conv

    Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc_etc_software_trigger_conv example shows how to use the ADC_ETC to generate a ADC trigger by PIT channel0 trigger.Every 1 second, PIT channel0 would send a trigger signal to ADC_ETC, which can arbitrate and manage multiple external triggers,and ADC_ETC would generate ADC trigger.In this example, the ADC is configured with hardware trigger. Once ADC gets the trigger from the ADC_ETC, the conversion goes,then the ADC_ETC ISR would be executed.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    The adc_etc_software_trigger_conv example shows how to use the ADC_ETC to generate a ADC trigger by software trigger.In this example, the ADC is configured with hardware trigger. Once ADC gets the trigger from the ADC_ETC, the conversion goes,then the ADC_ETC ISR would be executed.

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  • adc_etc_software_trigger_conv

    Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The adc_etc_software_trigger_conv example shows how to use the ADC_ETC to generate a ADC trigger by software trigger.In this example, the ADC is configured with hardware trigger. Once ADC gets the trigger from the ADC_ETC, the conversion goes,then the ADC_ETC ISR would be executed.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    This driver example should demonstrate how to setup BEE driver for on the fly decryption of data stored in QSPI memory region. The BEE is configuerd to decrypt all data starting from location 0x6000_0000 to 0x6001_0000 using AES ECB mode with user specified key. If the BEE_KEY_SEL fuse is programmed, then OTPMK key will be used instead.The example itself does not perform any data decryption operation over QSPI. It is used only as a BEE setup guide.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This driver example should demonstrate how to setup BEE driver for on the fly decryption of data stored in QSPI memory region. The BEE is configuerd to decrypt all data starting from location 0x6000_0000 to 0x6001_0000 using AES ECB mode with user specified key. If the BEE_KEY_SEL fuse is programmed, then OTPMK key will be used instead.The example itself does not perform any data decryption operation over QSPI. It is used only as a BEE setup guide.

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