1. Boards
  2. TWR-K22F120M


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

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  • cmsis_lpuart_interrupt_transfer

    µVision AC6

    CMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord please refer to http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/cmsis/Driver/html/index.html.The cmsis_uart_interrupt_transfer example shows how to use uart cmsis driver in interrupt way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • cmsis_uart_edma_transfer

    µVision AC6

    CMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord please refer to http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/cmsis/Driver/html/index.html.The cmsis_uart_edma_transfer example shows how to use uart cmsis driver with EDMA:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • cmsis_uart_interrupt_transfer

    µVision AC6

    CMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord please refer to http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/cmsis/Driver/html/index.html.The cmsis_uart_interrupt_transfer example shows how to use uart cmsis driver in interrupt way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • dac_adc_peripheral

    µVision AC6

    The DAC / ADC demo application demonstrates the use of the DAC and ADC peripherals. This application demonstrates how toconfigure the DAC and set the output on the DAC. This demo also demonstrates how to configure the ADC in 'Blocking Mode'and how to read ADC values.

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  • dac_buffer_interrupt

    µVision AC6

    The dac_buffer_interrupt example shows how to use DAC buffer with interrupts.When the DAC's buffer feature is enabled, user can benefit from the automation of updating DAC output by hardware/software trigger. As we know, the DAC converter outputs the value of item pointed by current read pointer. Once the buffer is triggered by software or hardware, the buffer's read pointer would move automatically as the work mode is set,like normal (cycle) mode, swing mode, one-time-scan mode or FIFO mode.In this example, it captures the user's type-in operation from terminal and does the software trigger to the buffer.The terminal would also display the log that shows the current buffer pointer's position with buffer events.

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  • dspi_edma_b2b_transfer_master

    µVision AC6

    The dspi_edma_b2b_transfer example shows how to use DSPI driver in edma way:In this example , we need two boards, one board used as DSPI master and another board used as DSPI slave.The file 'dspi_edma_b2b_transfer_master.c' includes the DSPI master code.1. DSPI master send/received data to/from DSPI slave in edma . (DSPI Slave using edma to receive/send the data)

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  • dspi_half_duplex_edma_master

    µVision AC6

    The dspi_half_duplex_edma_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master sendsa piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received fromslave is correct.Besides, master will transfer in EDMA way.

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  • dspi_half_duplex_polling_master

    µVision AC6

    The dspi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master sends apiece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct. Besides, master will transfer in polling way.

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  • dspi_half_duplex_polling_slave

    µVision AC6

    The dspi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice ofthe master's transfer size. The first half of the transmission will receive data, and the second half will senddata back to master, so the address of the receive buffer is &rxDataPolling[64].In this example, one spi instance as slave and another spi instance on the other board as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from master is correct. And slave will print what it received.

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  • dspi_interrupt_b2b_master

    µVision AC6

    The dspi_interrupt_b2b example shows how to use DSPI driver in interrupt way:In this example , we need two boards , one board used as DSPI master and another board used as DSPI slave.The file 'dspi_interrupt_b2b_master.c' includes the DSPI master code.This example does not use the transactional API in DSPI driver. It's a demonstration that how to use the interrupt in KSDK driver.1. DSPI master send/received data to/from DSPI slave in interrupt . (DSPI Slave using interrupt to receive/send the data)

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