Keil Studio, µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_transfer_master example shows how to use spi driver as master to do board to boardtransfer in interrupt way:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on othere board as slave. Mastersends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct. This example need to work with spi_interrupt_transfer_slave example.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_transfer_slave example shows how to use spi driver as slave to receive data from master.In this example, one spi instance as slave and another spi instance on other board as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from master is correct. This example should work with spi_interrupt_transfer_master example. And this example should start first.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The uart_polling example shows how to use uart driver in polling way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC, the board will send back all characters that PCsend to the board.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6This example demonstrate configuration and use of the USART module in interrupt-driven asynchronous mode on communication with a terminal emulator calling the USART transactional APIs. USART will echo back every character to terminal emulator, and send back all received characters once users press [Enter] key.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6usart_transfer_interrupt
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The usart_interrupt_rb_transfer example shows how to use usart driver in interrupt way withRX ring buffer enabled.In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through, the board will send back all charactersthat PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The usart_interrupt_sync_transfer example shows how to use usart API in synchronous mode:In this example, one usart instance will be selected as master ,and another as slave. The master will send data to slave in polling way, and slave will receive data in nonblocking way.After all data has been received by slave, info will be printed by debug console.
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µVision AC6The WKT project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK WKT driver. It sets up the WKT hardware block to trigger a periodic interrupt after loading a counter value and counting down to 0. When the WKT interrupt is triggered a message printed on the UART terminal and the LED is toggled on the board.Depending on the clock source, the WKT can be used for waking up the part from any low power mode or for general-purposetiming.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The WDOG Example project is to demonstrate usage of the KSDK wdog driver.In this example,quick test is first implemented to test the wdog.And then after 5 times of refreshing the watchdog, a timeout reset is generated.
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