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  2. FRDM-KL82Z


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

Import your chosen project to Keil Studio for VS Code or Keil Studio Cloud, or download for use in Keil uVision.

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  • edma_memory_to_memory

    µVision AC5

    The EDMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It excuates one shot transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK EDMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the EDMA and to provide a simple example fordebugging and further development.

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  • edma_scatter_gather

    µVision AC5

    The EDMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It excuates one shot transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK EDMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the EDMA and to provide a simple example fordebugging and further development.

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  • µVision AC5

    The EWM Example project is to demonstrate usage of the KSDK EWM driver.In the example, EWM counter is continuously refreshed until button is pressed.Once the button is pressed, EWM counter will expire and interrupt will be generated.After the first pressing, another interrupt can be triggered by pressing button again.

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  • flexio_i2c_interrupt_i2c_transfer

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_i2c_interrupt example shows how to use flexio i2c master driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated i2c master connect to an I2C slave.

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  • flexio_i2c_read_accel_value_transfer

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_i2c_read_accel_value example shows how to use FLEXIO I2C Master driver to communicate with an i2c device: 1. How to use the flexio i2c master driver to read a i2c device who_am_I register. 2. How to use the flexio i2c master driver to write/read the device registers.In this example, the values of three-axis accelerometer print to the serial terminal on PC throughthe virtual serial port on board.

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  • µVision AC5

    This demo describes how to use SDK drivers to implement the PWM feature by FLEXIO IP module. It outputs the PWM singal with fixed frequency defined by "DEMO_FLEXIO_FREQUENCY" in source code and dynamic duty from 99 to 1 to one of the FLEXIO pin.

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  • flexio_spi_edma_dspi_transfer_master

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_spi_master_edma_dspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in edma way:In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a dspi slave .

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  • flexio_spi_edma_dspi_transfer_slave

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_spi_slave_edma_dspi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in dma way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a dspi master.

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  • flexio_spi_int_dspi_transfer_master

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_spi_master_interrupt_dspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a dspi slave .

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  • flexio_spi_int_dspi_transfer_slave

    µVision AC5

    The flexio_spi_slave_interrupt_dspi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a dspi master.

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