1. Boards
  2. FRDM-KL43Z


VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

Import your chosen project to Keil Studio for VS Code or Keil Studio Cloud, or download for use in Keil uVision.

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  • flexio_spi_dma_spi_transfer_slave

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_spi_slave_dma_spi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in dma way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a spi master.

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  • flexio_spi_int_spi_transfer_master

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_spi_master_interrupt_spi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a spi slave .

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  • flexio_spi_int_spi_transfer_slave

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_spi_slave_interrupt_spi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a spi master.

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  • flexio_uart_dma_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_uart_dma example shows how to use flexio uart driver in dma way:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board will send back all charactersthat PC send to the board. Note: two queued transfer in this example, so please input even number characters.

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  • flexio_uart_int_rb_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_uart_interrupt_ring_buffer example shows how to use flexio uart driver in interrupt way withRX ring buffer enabled:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • flexio_uart_interrupt_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_uart_interrupt example shows how to use flexio uart driver in interrupt way:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board will send back all charactersthat PC send to the board. Note: two queued transfer in this example, so please input even number characters.

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  • flexio_uart_polling_transfer

    µVision AC6

    The flexio_uart_polling example shows how to use flexio uart driver in polling way:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board will send backall characters that PC send to the board.

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  • gpio_input_interrupt

    µVision AC6

    The GPIO Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to manipulate the general-purposeoutputs.The example is supported by the set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. The example uses the software button to control/toggle the LED.

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  • µVision AC6

    The GPIO Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to manipulate the general-purposeoutputs.The example is supported by the set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. The example take turns to shine the LED.

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  • µVision AC6

    The Hello World demo application provides a sanity check for the new SDK build environments and board bring up. The HelloWorld demo prints the "Hello World" string to the terminal using the SDK UART drivers. The purpose of this demo is toshow how to use the UART, and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development.

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