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VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

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  • µVision AC6

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • µVision AC6

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • freertos_sem_static

    µVision AC6

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • freertos_sem_static

    µVision AC6

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This document explains the freertos_sem example, what to expect when running it and a briefintroduction to the API. The freertos_sem example code shows how semaphores works. Two differenttasks are synchronized in bilateral rendezvous model.The example uses four tasks. One producer_task and three consumer_tasks. The producer_task starts bycreating of two semaphores (xSemaphore_producer and xSemaphore_consumer). These semaphores controlaccess to virtual item. The synchronization is based on bilateral rendezvous pattern. Both ofconsumer and producer must be prepared to enable transaction.

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  • µVision AC6

    This document explains the freertos_swtimer example. It shows usage of software timer and itscallback.The example application creates one software timer SwTimer. The timer's callback SwTimerCallback isperiodically executed and text "Tick." is printed to terminal.

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  • Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IAR

    This document explains the freertos_swtimer example. It shows usage of software timer and itscallback.The example application creates one software timer SwTimer. The timer's callback SwTimerCallback isperiodically executed and text "Tick." is printed to terminal.

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